We expect everyone at the surgery to be treated with respect. When visiting the surgery please be courteous to other patients who may be frail, vulnerable and unwell.
We will be do our best to treat everyone to the best of our ability and in return we expect our staff to be treated with respect. It is unacceptable to be violent and aggressive at the surgery for any reason and we will not tolerate this.
There is massive pressure on General practice now, people are living longer, with more complex medical needs, and less are being treated in hospitals. Despite the doctors working 10-12 hours or more every day there are times when you might not get an appointment with the doctor of your choice at the time you want. Please remember this is not the receptionists fault. They will try their best to help you if you let them.
If ever you can’t get in to see the doctor you want, for whatever reason, you can ask the receptionist to send them a message so that they can call you back. Make sure we have your correct mobile number on record if you have one.
Please treat our staff with respect on the phones and at the reception desk. Being aggressive at reception initimidates other patients as well as the staff. If you have forgotten to put your prescription request in early enough it is not the receptionists fault. If the doctor feels they can not issue it, for whatever reason, it is not the receptionists fault. Please stay calm and the receptionist will try and help you get what you need. For example, they may be able to get a prescription signed after surgeries have finished but they can not interupt a doctors session.
- 165 Colinton Mains Drive, Edinburgh, EH13 9AF
- 0131 441 3119
- Monday to Friday 8:00am – 6:00pm
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