We are delighted to welcome new patients and temporary residents to the surgery. Please check here to see if you are within our catchment area https://nhsl.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/lookup/index.html?appid=b57f309988eb4efcaa997fb2c8906454 Unfortunately we cannot accept registrations out with this area.
Step 1
Patients who wish to register may download and complete registration forms online gp_registration_gmsgpr001_v19_02_2021-modified-v3 but must bring these to the surgery in person as we need to check ID. Please also follow Step 2.
On arrival you will be asked to show proof of address and photographic identification (usually your passport). If you are originally from overseas, you may also be required to show proof of eligibility to NHS care and our reception team can advise you further.
Step 2
You will also need to complete a New-Patient-Information-Sheet ADULT (new’23) or New-Patient-Information-Sheet-Child which includes details of your medical history and any medication. It is very important that you complete all sections of this form and our staff will be happy to assist if necessary. IT IS ALSO VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU READ THE FOLLOWING Painkillers at Firrhill Medical Centre
Step 3
Patients who require regular medication or who have complex medical problems will be asked to make an appointment with one of the partners to discuss their registration.
Step 4
Once you have been accepted onto the patient list we can request your previous medical records (UK only) and it may take several weeks for these to reach us. Our coder will summarise your old records onto our system and based on this information, you may then be recalled for follow up of any outstanding or ongoing medical problems.
We are unable to process new registrations immediately. Please allow at least 24 hours between completing the registration process and asking for an appointment. New patients who require medication will need to be seen by a GP before a prescription can be issued even if this was “on repeat” at a previous practice.